Welcome to An Intimate Conversation

Published on 20 July 2024 at 14:07

I’d like to take the time to introduce myself and to let you know what to expect here at An Intimate Conversation.

My name is Felicia and I have been immersed in the metapysical since I was a very young girl. I have always intuitively known that there was something more to Life than what my eyes could see and I had no problem letting myself dissolve into this world. I’ve taken the time to listen to and learn the messages it offers up mostly because of my own past traumas, essentially becoming the woman I am today.

Here at An Intimate Conversation you’ll experience some deep insights on how

*there’s a whole other world that affects the one you live in,

*how to listen to the messages it is sending you on a second by second basis and,

*what you can do to ride it into your greater state of being.

You’ll master the art of detecting the energy entering into your realm and the energy you are putting out, all of which will further help you understand how you are consciously or subconsciously shaping every single event around you and so much more.

Nothing (outside of my relationship with God and my family) gives me more joy then being able to help people understand how the world truly works. It’s not only been a passion of mine since I was a little girl, it’s been something I’ve studied, in depth, for over thirty years.

So, sit back, stay a while, and allow yourself to embark on a marvelous journey that promises to never end.

To your well-being!

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